No, this is not Annaliese (Man how she's changed! That's what you were thinking, right?) This is Kalia at 9 months. For comparisons sake.
It just dawned on me that I created a separate blog for Kalia to do these monthly updates. I even created one for Annaliese, then forgot all about it, and I've been doing monthly updates here. Oh well. I missed her 8 month mark too. So, it's been a BIG few months for her. She is on the GO!!! She learned to crawl, then pull to a stand, and then try to take a step (only one step, then she fell) all in a matter of about 5 weeks. It's so funny when babies first figure out how to pull to a stand and cruise around pieces of furniture. While we were in Colorado, I woke up to see Annaliese, standing there in the dark, going round and round her pack and play, standing and holding on to the sides. It made me smile.

It looks like she might have gotten the curly hair gene too. This is about when Kalia's started to curl, but mostly only when its wet:
Those bottom 2 teeth broke through! FINALLY! Those were some tricky little buggers.
Her eyes have a few more streaks of brown in them, but they are still mostly blue. I can't believe how long they are taking to change!! Kalia's were already hazely brown at this age. (See above picture...I cannot get it to move down here.)

And for some odd reason, everyone says she looks EXACTLY like her dad. I don't see it, but then, I can't see either of us in either our kids.
She also learned to pick things up and put them in her mouth, and today I had to pull out skittles and a piece of tape. Actually, she choked on the tape and threw up, and got it out on her own. But besides the choking hazard, her allergies are still challenging us. We tried her on avocado, and it gave her a nasty rash on her neck. (My brother said he has an avocado allergy too!) I also tried her on fresh goats milk. She LOVED the taste and would guzzle it down. And for 3 days, all seemed well. But you know what they need to wait 4 days! And that's when her constipation showed up, and the tiny rash (looks like baby acne) showed up all over her hairline. It got pretty bad, and stayed for about 4 days AFTER we took her off the goats milk. Dang it. If she's that allergic to goats milk, can you imagine if I let her have cows milk? I am on a mission to start making her baby food, and getting her on more solids. She just keeps chugging down that formula, and even though she's super active now, I swear she's just getting fatter. (I won't lie, I love all that fat.) She loves her prunes though, thank goodness since she needs them to help keep her regular sometimes.
It looks like she might have gotten the curly hair gene too. This is about when Kalia's started to curl, but mostly only when its wet:
Her eyes have a few more streaks of brown in them, but they are still mostly blue. I can't believe how long they are taking to change!! Kalia's were already hazely brown at this age. (See above picture...I cannot get it to move down here.)
She loves to mimic people, and does this funny slurping sound, or she shakes her head no while she smiles really big, or she tries to copy the tone and inflection of sounds that I make to her.
This is what she looks like when she does her slurping sound. Great comic relief.