You are saying a lot of words! I can't believe how fast you're learning them. When I ask you yes or know questions, you usually answer "Ya." I love it. You say please all the time, but you say it, "Weeee" while you rub your little chest (the sign for please.) And you just started folding your arms when you hear a prayer. You did it all on your own. Sometimes you mumble a little to say your own prayer. Just this week you've started jabbering sentences at me (without any clear words of course. But you are very intent on what you are telling me.) Whenever I take you outside, you love to push your little push cart toy EVERYWHERE. If you see a paved road, you make a MAD DASH for it. I always have to race after you, even if I'm in my pajamas with no bra, to save you from the road outside our house, and you take off as fast as you can when you see me, almost running. You hold your right arm close to your body for balance and swing that left arm so fast and high that sometimes you almost hit yourself in the nose. It's so cute. I know I'll miss it when you stop doing that.
A few more words:
Thank You
Bath (Baaa)
Beep beep
Good Girl (guh grl)
Jack (Jack and Violet Clark stayed with us all last week)
and you say Mama a LOT!
you (I say you make your mouth in an O and say YOOUU!)
You love pickles and cucumbers and crackers. I try to find the gluten-free ones.
You love to sing Happy and You Know it, and you always beep your nose first, then pat your head, clap your hands, and shout hooray. You don't say hooray, but you lift both your hands up with clenched fists.
You are getting 2 more teeth on the bottom, and you just broke out in Hand Foot & Mouth (a virus, thanks to the Clark kids.)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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