Then I have a day like today, where Kalia can't stop whining, and everything she touches turns into a mess. Annaliese seems to have lots of gas today. They both seem to need me at the same time. I smell like spit-up and my stitches are hurting a lot. I had to call Samuel to come home and help me for a little bit. It was just a hard day.
That's when I decided it was probably more important than ever to remember some of the things that I am grateful for. I shouldn't expect every day to be so easy, after all, that wouldn't teach me the "opposition in all things" lesson, and plus, obviously it would go to my head and I would be prideful. So, here's to hoping for a better day tomorrow. And here are a few things to remember, just in case tomorrow isn't much better.
1. At least Kalia likes her sister. She gets excited whenever she sees her, and sometimes she starts crying when she hears her little sister cry. And she is even generous enough to share "her" swing.
2. Annaliese has been a great breastfeeder. I wish I could take credit, but she came out knowing exactly what to do with her little mouth so that I haven't had to experience the blisters and the pain that can come along with breastfeeding. That's been a real blessing.
3. I'm grateful for Emily Y. I visit teach her, but she's done way more for me than I've ever done for her. She sent over a "goody bag" full of herbal remedies for me and Kalia (who has a croupy cough) and they are AWESOME! Something about that just really appeals to me, like I am tapping into some of the natural resources that Heavenly Father created to help with physical ailments. Thanks again Emily!
4. I'm grateful for CO-SLEEPING!! I know a lot of people think it's bad or whatever, but I love it so much. I'm a side-sleeper anyway, and so it's easy for me to curl up around her and sleep soundly that way. Then, when she wakes up, I don't even have to hardly wake up, I just latch her on and we both fall back asleep (unless a diaper change is in order.) I love feeling her tiny breaths on my skin.
5. I'm grateful for Baby Einstein. It's the one thing that is keeping Kalia distracted long enough for me to write this!
6. I'm grateful that I haven't felt depressed. I have been kind of irritable at times, and Samuel is trying hard to be patient. I pulled out some books to try to prove to him that it's just hormones, (and not me being witchy on purpose) but anyway, I guess irritable is better than depressed.
7. I'm grateful that Kalia is sleeping so good. She only took one nap yesterday, so I put her to bed at SIX p.m. She slept til 8:30 a.m.! I can hardly believe this is the same child that had to be bounced (and not rocked) to sleep (for 20 minutes), only to stay asleep for 39 minutes, exactly (back in her newborn days.)
8. I'm grateful for a support network of friends, family, and bloggers. Everyone has just been so great and you guys make it so much easier to go through things like this. Thanks again.
9. I'm grateful that I happened to watch Oprah on the day she announced a free photo book from Snapfish...I can't wait for it to come. I want to do lots of these, they are so cool.
10. I'm grateful to have two beautiful girls that I just love to death. It's true-- love doesn't divide, it multiplies. Even on hard days, it's all worth it when you get a hug, a kiss, a smile, a giggle, or just a good burp from one of your babies. Life's little pleasures.
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