Well, sometimes life is really hard. Right now...things are very, very hard at our house. When it comes to blogging, I have two options: Disappear, and don't write, and you'll all (mistakenly) think that I am doing great and handling two babies so well, I have perfect children, and a perfect life.
I can tell it like it is, knowing that many of you will have helpful ideas and suggestions. And I will have all this important information stored away for the future, when I forget everything (which is bound to happen, due to the ever-increasing fatigue I'm feeling.)
So, first of all, poor Annaliese is a sensitive little thing. Light, sound, touch, it's all bigger, brighter, and louder to her. The last three weeks have been...well, pretty much just hellish. She has CRIED and CRIED and CRIED. It was at it's worst last week, Christmastime, and the only good thing about that is that we were at Samuel's parent's house in Phoenix and they BOTH bent over backwards trying to help- they would take her and hold her and bounce and rock her for HOURS (even if it was the middle of the night.) That was a huge, much-needed blessing.
I am starting to lose my sanity. And have some post-partum depression. The crying...it just wears me down. I have moments when I feel great, but they are random and not very often.
I dyed my hair...and it turned out black. I think I have it lightened to dark brown now, and I like it, but I'll tell you that story later. I'm just not thinking very clearly. I'm so tired.
So, everyone I've talked to asks me about her symptoms: Here they are: She only poops once every three days (which may be considered normal.) She starts crying, hard, about 10 minutes after she eats, and I can tell she is really in pain. She's pretty gassy. She has been congested since she was born, and sometimes has a hard time breathing. We are constantly suctioning out her nose. She gets rashes (that look like baby acne) on her face, but they disappear a day later and show up on another part of her face. She is always spitting up, sometimes it's a large quantity, and often it is clear. Her poops (when they come) have a slightly green tint to them, are runny, and sometimes have a bit of mucous in them. She is in the most pain and fussiest from about 4 p.m on. She used to sleep really well at night, and only wake up to eat, but this last week she started crying in the middle of the night too.
I have prayed so hard...it just doesn't seem fair that a baby should suffer like this. I just don't feel like I'm getting answers as quickly as I'd like, and I'm trying not to be frustrated, but...I am very frustrated. Annaliese has had two priesthood blessings and so far it's hard for me to see any improvement. Maybe very TINY improvements, but that's it.
So, after researching like crazy, I have decided it must be allergies (to what I'm eating) and/or reflux. The symptoms are really similar. So I cut out dairy and eggs as of two days ago to see if there's a difference. I'm trying herbal remedies for her tummy, but they only seem to help a little as well. I may have to give in and go get her a prescription for something, but as of right now we don't have health insurance for me or her, and so it will be expensive.
She is almost two months old. I really believe this is more than colic. She really is in a lot of pain. Regardless, for anyone who's had a colicky baby, I now have a whole new sympathy. This has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. Probably in my life. Please, please, please let me know if you have any ideas of what I can do. Thanks everybody. I look forward to the day that this has passed, but I seriously don't know how I can make it one or two more months, when they supposedly "outgrow" this.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Family Pics December 2008
Well, a HUGE THANKS to my great friend Marylin who took some family pictures for us. She was great. She caught some really sweet moments on camera...here's a few faves (ok, more than a few...)

So...leave me a comment and let me know which one you like best for a Christmas card. Thanks for your help!!
(Ok, the above one is not really an option...but can you tell Kalia is DONE with pictures?)

Monday, December 1, 2008
Time Flies
I can't believe how fast the days go by...or the hours for that matter. I am spending almost every spare second (and there are never enough!) trying to finish my mom's Christmas present (turning her blog into a Blurb book. Free shipping ends in 4 days.) It is taking FOREVER to put the comments in there, that's my one complaint about blurb. It doesn't do blogger comments. But I know my mom wants them in there.
We had a great, crazy week. Samuel's parents visited for a few days. We went to the Paris hotel and ate Crepes. If you haven't ever done that, MAKE IT A PRIORITY next time you come to Vegas. They are phenomenal. And the atmosphere of the hotel is so romantic and Paris-like.
Funny story...Kalia was running around and ran RIGHT SMACK into some lady (and fell down) and the lady felt so bad, she pulled out a $25 chip from the casino tables and gave it to her! We took it to the cashier and cashed it in. Thanks Kalia! Your wildness paid off this time. Literally.
We had a lot of family in town for Thanksgiving, and so we made the most of it and blessed Annaliese on the 30th. I was able to relax and it enjoy it more this time (I was so nervous during Kalia's that something would go wrong, and I missed the whole Spirit of it.) It was a wonderful blessing...although I don't like this picture at all. Oh well.

I was especially glad that all my sisters (and their families) were there. That was a first, and made it even better.
Oh yeah, SAW TWILIGHT MOVIE! Went in with LOW EXPECTATIONS and came out very happy with it...even Edward. I did NOT think I'd like him, but I did. A lot. I want to read the book and see the movie again.
I had to post this picture because it was too cute. Thanksgiving at my aunt's house was crazy...about 50 people there? The cousins took a group bath...they all fit in one (big) tub! These hooded towels were adorable.
Annaliese weighed in at 10 lbs 8 oz at her last appointment (3 weeks old). I can't believe she gained 2 and 1/2 lbs in 3 weeks. But look at those cheeks...love it! She is still doing great, but has a fussy period around 10 or 11 almost every night. We are doing all the tricks! Swaddling, shushing, sucking...it works pretty good. We are loving this little chub so much, even with her sqawky cry. :)
We had a great, crazy week. Samuel's parents visited for a few days. We went to the Paris hotel and ate Crepes. If you haven't ever done that, MAKE IT A PRIORITY next time you come to Vegas. They are phenomenal. And the atmosphere of the hotel is so romantic and Paris-like.
Funny story...Kalia was running around and ran RIGHT SMACK into some lady (and fell down) and the lady felt so bad, she pulled out a $25 chip from the casino tables and gave it to her! We took it to the cashier and cashed it in. Thanks Kalia! Your wildness paid off this time. Literally.
I had to post this picture because it was too cute. Thanksgiving at my aunt's house was crazy...about 50 people there? The cousins took a group bath...they all fit in one (big) tub! These hooded towels were adorable.
Monday, November 24, 2008
More Craziness
Okay, as usual it took all morning to do this post. It's a crazy life. But we're surviving.
This was over a week ago when Annaliese still had some jaundice, but I just couldn't believe that her hair got so curly when it's wet. Kalia's never did that, so we'll see if that means anything in the future.
Well, I am having MAJOR strong cravings...for french bread (I eat like, half a loaf a day) and cookie dough ice cream, and LOFTHOUSE COOKIES. BaD BaD I know, but I'm indulging anyway.
The funny part happened this morning. I was trying to upload pictures here and I turn around and guess who discovered my stash....
The part I haven't figured out yet is how she got them off the kitchen counter. I'm totally baffled. I found crumbs in her bedroom and in the living room in several places, including all over the bouncy chair. (Maybe she shared with Annaliese?) Seriously, you turn around for ONE MINUTE...
I took this picture yesterday.
Annaliese is staying awake more now, for about an hour at a time. She really likes to be held, meaning she stops crying as soon as I pick her up. I am getting good use out of a NoJo Babysling that someone gave me. It held her in even when I was bathing Kalia and washing her hair.

Well, I am having MAJOR strong cravings...for french bread (I eat like, half a loaf a day) and cookie dough ice cream, and LOFTHOUSE COOKIES. BaD BaD I know, but I'm indulging anyway.

I took this picture yesterday.
I think she just went through a growth spurt, my milk supply just shot up. Saturday night we sang at our stake conference, and in the three hours that we were gone I felt my milk let down SIX TIMES! What the heck!
Samuel is finally getting to bond with baby. I think I've been hogging her. I just love this tiny newborn stage, it passed too quickly the first time.

I forgot to mention that my mom was here for several days (her hair is growing back, it looks pretty good, eh? She's going to bleach it soon.) Anyway, I just could not believe how wonderful it felt to be taken care of and waited on like that. She not only cooked and helped with the girls but she sewed/mended anything I could find for her, and she scrubbed my apartment from top to bottom and I just hope she knows how grateful I am for her help and I had a great time chatting with her all day. (And I cried when she left.)

I forgot to mention that my mom was here for several days (her hair is growing back, it looks pretty good, eh? She's going to bleach it soon.) Anyway, I just could not believe how wonderful it felt to be taken care of and waited on like that. She not only cooked and helped with the girls but she sewed/mended anything I could find for her, and she scrubbed my apartment from top to bottom and I just hope she knows how grateful I am for her help and I had a great time chatting with her all day. (And I cried when she left.)
Monday, November 17, 2008
I am Thankful
When I started this post, I had just spent my first day alone with both girls. Things went so well. Kalia was perfect. Annaliese slept most of the day and only woke up to eat and get changed. When one of them needed me, the other one didn't. My stitches didn't hurt at all. I got a nap and a hot bath. I was feeling so proud of myself, that clearly I could handle two kids, no problem.
Then I have a day like today, where Kalia can't stop whining, and everything she touches turns into a mess. Annaliese seems to have lots of gas today. They both seem to need me at the same time. I smell like spit-up and my stitches are hurting a lot. I had to call Samuel to come home and help me for a little bit. It was just a hard day.
That's when I decided it was probably more important than ever to remember some of the things that I am grateful for. I shouldn't expect every day to be so easy, after all, that wouldn't teach me the "opposition in all things" lesson, and plus, obviously it would go to my head and I would be prideful. So, here's to hoping for a better day tomorrow. And here are a few things to remember, just in case tomorrow isn't much better.
I'm grateful that...
1. At least Kalia likes her sister. She gets excited whenever she sees her, and sometimes she starts crying when she hears her little sister cry. And she is even generous enough to share "her" swing.
2. Annaliese has been a great breastfeeder. I wish I could take credit, but she came out knowing exactly what to do with her little mouth so that I haven't had to experience the blisters and the pain that can come along with breastfeeding. That's been a real blessing.

3. I'm grateful for Emily Y. I visit teach her, but she's done way more for me than I've ever done for her. She sent over a "goody bag" full of herbal remedies for me and Kalia (who has a croupy cough) and they are AWESOME! Something about that just really appeals to me, like I am tapping into some of the natural resources that Heavenly Father created to help with physical ailments. Thanks again Emily!
Then I have a day like today, where Kalia can't stop whining, and everything she touches turns into a mess. Annaliese seems to have lots of gas today. They both seem to need me at the same time. I smell like spit-up and my stitches are hurting a lot. I had to call Samuel to come home and help me for a little bit. It was just a hard day.
That's when I decided it was probably more important than ever to remember some of the things that I am grateful for. I shouldn't expect every day to be so easy, after all, that wouldn't teach me the "opposition in all things" lesson, and plus, obviously it would go to my head and I would be prideful. So, here's to hoping for a better day tomorrow. And here are a few things to remember, just in case tomorrow isn't much better.
1. At least Kalia likes her sister. She gets excited whenever she sees her, and sometimes she starts crying when she hears her little sister cry. And she is even generous enough to share "her" swing.
2. Annaliese has been a great breastfeeder. I wish I could take credit, but she came out knowing exactly what to do with her little mouth so that I haven't had to experience the blisters and the pain that can come along with breastfeeding. That's been a real blessing.
3. I'm grateful for Emily Y. I visit teach her, but she's done way more for me than I've ever done for her. She sent over a "goody bag" full of herbal remedies for me and Kalia (who has a croupy cough) and they are AWESOME! Something about that just really appeals to me, like I am tapping into some of the natural resources that Heavenly Father created to help with physical ailments. Thanks again Emily!
4. I'm grateful for CO-SLEEPING!! I know a lot of people think it's bad or whatever, but I love it so much. I'm a side-sleeper anyway, and so it's easy for me to curl up around her and sleep soundly that way. Then, when she wakes up, I don't even have to hardly wake up, I just latch her on and we both fall back asleep (unless a diaper change is in order.) I love feeling her tiny breaths on my skin.
5. I'm grateful for Baby Einstein. It's the one thing that is keeping Kalia distracted long enough for me to write this!
6. I'm grateful that I haven't felt depressed. I have been kind of irritable at times, and Samuel is trying hard to be patient. I pulled out some books to try to prove to him that it's just hormones, (and not me being witchy on purpose) but anyway, I guess irritable is better than depressed.
7. I'm grateful that Kalia is sleeping so good. She only took one nap yesterday, so I put her to bed at SIX p.m. She slept til 8:30 a.m.! I can hardly believe this is the same child that had to be bounced (and not rocked) to sleep (for 20 minutes), only to stay asleep for 39 minutes, exactly (back in her newborn days.)
8. I'm grateful for a support network of friends, family, and bloggers. Everyone has just been so great and you guys make it so much easier to go through things like this. Thanks again.
9. I'm grateful that I happened to watch Oprah on the day she announced a free photo book from Snapfish...I can't wait for it to come. I want to do lots of these, they are so cool.
10. I'm grateful to have two beautiful girls that I just love to death. It's true-- love doesn't divide, it multiplies. Even on hard days, it's all worth it when you get a hug, a kiss, a smile, a giggle, or just a good burp from one of your babies. Life's little pleasures.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Great Day of the V-Bac
First a few more pictures...you know how they change every day!! Annaliese has had a touch of Jaundice, but is coming out of it great. She just keeps sleeping and sleeping- about 22 hours a day! Love her!

And then she was out! It was probably the greatest relief I’ve ever felt in my life. I think I said about ten times. SHE'S OUT! SHE'S OUT! I'M DONE! SHE'S OUT!! The nurses were ready to wisk her away—they were worried for some reason, and asked the doctor to hurry and cut the cord. But the doctor calmly (and quickly) laid her on my chest and let Samuel cut the cord (although he did tell him to do it quickly.) I know we both appreciated that.

Okay, I'm writing this labor story down with every detail I can remember, so I'm sorry if it's a little long! Here we go.
The balloon went in at 4:30 p.m. on November 5th. Aside from some Braxton Hicks contractions that acted up, I didn’t feel anything different. We checked into the hospital at around 5 a.m. and at 6 a.m. they checked me….I just had my fingers crossed that the balloon had worked…and it had! I was dilated to a 5, and had not hardly felt a thing. It was such a wonderful, amazing thing, I think everyone woman should have one every time.
After the nurse took out the balloon, my contractions started on their own, every 5 minutes, semi-painful. I started asking about the epidural, knowing it usually takes awhile to get the anesthesiologist in there. Unfortunately he was just going into a c-section, so I had to tough it out for an hour. It wasn’t that bad, with some counting help from Samuel and some breathing. By the time he got there though, I was READY for that epi!
After the nurse took out the balloon, my contractions started on their own, every 5 minutes, semi-painful. I started asking about the epidural, knowing it usually takes awhile to get the anesthesiologist in there. Unfortunately he was just going into a c-section, so I had to tough it out for an hour. It wasn’t that bad, with some counting help from Samuel and some breathing. By the time he got there though, I was READY for that epi!
I have to tell you about my nurse. Her name was Peggy Sue, and she is a traveling nurse. She had just flown in that very morning from Lousiana. She had the thickest accent ever, it took me several hours to be able to understand her. She was seriously such a character. We found out that she was a convert (10 years ago) which made it even cooler, because now my doctor and nurse were LDS.
So, my doctor checked in with me at 7:30, they started pitocin which really got the contractions going, I was able to get the epidural at 8:40, which made me sleepy, extremely nauseated (I threw up a few times), but it took away the pain for two hours. I dilated to an 8, but the baby was still at a -3 station, which is pretty high. (Peggy told me not to worry, that she had "magic" she could do if the baby wouldn't drop...I think she said this entailed tying a towel around my stomach and tightening it with every contraction to force her to drop. I THINK SHE WAS SERIOUS!) Luckily that didn't turn out to be necessary. Peggy broke my water at around 10:30 a.m., and immediately things went crazy.
So, my doctor checked in with me at 7:30, they started pitocin which really got the contractions going, I was able to get the epidural at 8:40, which made me sleepy, extremely nauseated (I threw up a few times), but it took away the pain for two hours. I dilated to an 8, but the baby was still at a -3 station, which is pretty high. (Peggy told me not to worry, that she had "magic" she could do if the baby wouldn't drop...I think she said this entailed tying a towel around my stomach and tightening it with every contraction to force her to drop. I THINK SHE WAS SERIOUS!) Luckily that didn't turn out to be necessary. Peggy broke my water at around 10:30 a.m., and immediately things went crazy.
First, the epidural wore off. Very quickly. I was panicking because it had happened three times with Kalia, and every doctor I've seen since then was SURE it wouldn't happen again! Plus, they'd hooked me up with an epidural button! Well, it was more than just a contraction, it was pain so intense that started in my lower back and then spread like fire to right under my pubic bone. I swear I thought my pelvis was going to shatter. Peggy was next door helping deliver another baby, so I called another nurse to show me where the epidural booster button was, and she saw that it wasn't quite hooked up right. I was REALLY starting to hurt, and I mean a BEE STING TIMES A THOUSAND (what was I thinking saying bee stings hurt as bad as labor...my memory failed me.) The contractions were only about a minute apart, and Tara even took a picture of them peaking off the charts. So the nurse quickly hooked up and pushed the button…I felt it go in my back and down my legs, but no pain relief. Everyone kept saying, "Give it a few more minutes" but things were just getting worse. Maybe it was too late to catch up to the pain, but I wanted to die. I'm sure this is when I started screaming. Everyone was encouraging me, so I figured WHY NOT. (My dear husband took a little video clip of one of these fine moments, and no, I will not be posting it.
I hadn’t mentally prepared myself for this pain—in my mind I had prepared for a painful "first half" of labor, meaning the pain before the epidural. I had gotten through it the first time with breathing and help from Samuel, and I knew I could do it again. So it not what I was expecting at all, to have a painless "first half" of labor and then a terribly painful second half. I like to think that I'm not a total wuss, but that I just hadn't prepared myself for the pain, or thought of what to do when it happened. Most of all, I just had no idea that I was getting close, so all I could think of was that this pain was terrible, and the end was no where in sight!
I remember my dad...He was in the room at the moment (he was OUT of the room for most of it, but he'd come in for a short time right before the epidural started wearing off.) Rather than looking worried and concerned, I could tell he was thrilled. He was smiling the whole time. He was just so happy that I was having these pains so low, because he knew the baby was dropping, and he knew it was probably the last obstacle that had to be overcome to have the VBAC. (Kalia's problem was that she just never dropped, even after I was fully dilated.) Well, so much for sympathy. Peggy came rushing in to check me, and my dad rushed out. I was screaming PEGGY MAKE IT STOP!! And she said with all that southern attitude, GIRL, DID YOU WANT TO HAVE A VBAC? (yes) AND DID I TELL YOU IT WASN'T GOING TO HURT? (no) OKAY THEN! She then proceeded to check me, and calmly says, "Oh, don't worry everyone, she's just going through transition."
Well, that was music to my ears. I have watched TLC's "A Baby Story" enough to know that other women who were trying to have all-natural/drug-free births often freak out and beg for epidurals during transition. I also knew that the birth comes very shortly after transition, so the end WAS in sight after all! That was such a great moment. And as a side note, for women who CAN do this naturally and drug-free, I will be honest and say...I HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOU DO IT. That pain at the end, with the contractions on top of each other, was unreal. (Sorry, don’t mean to scare any of you preggo’s who are getting near to childbirth.) I have an ENTIRELY new respect for anyone who’s birthed a baby period—but if you did it without an epidural, you deserve a million medals.
Well, Peggy let me start pushing, and WHAT A RELIEF it was to push. It either distracted me from the pain, or actually moved Annaliese into a position that wasn't so painful in my pelvis. I heard Peggy tell someone to CALL THE DOCTOR NOW, THIS BABY IS READY!” And once again, I wanted to cry in relief, but I was too busy screaming and grunting. My doctor was very close by and was there very quickly.
So one weird thing is that I had a vaginal septum that was blocking the exit for the baby. They are pretty rare, but oddly enough my older sister had one as well. The doctor had actually seen it the day before when he put in the balloon, but said it wouldn’t have affected my first delivery (since Kalia never dropped low enough to run into it) and might not affect the second one. But it was definitely keeping her head in, so Samuel watched him pull it out and cut it in half. (A good way to imagine a septum is to put your tongue up above your teeth and feel the little piece of skin that connects the inside of your upper lip to your gums. That's a septum. The one I had was a lot thicker though.
Well...the pushing. That is just so much dang work. I tried to use only the necessary "pushing muscles" but I found myself just clenching up my entire body to try to squeeze her out. That was really draining. I couldn’t concentrate on ANYTHING except pushing. My mom tried distracting me from the pain by talking, I think I yelled at her to be quiet, Samuel wanted to hold my hand, I told him to get away and start fanning me (I was starting to be drenched in sweat) and Tara was just doing great reminding me to keep my chin to my chest. They were telling me when they saw the head. I started feeling soooooo tired from the pushing, but since I had total feeling down there, I could feel the progress of her coming down the birth canal, so I knew the pushing was working. More pushing, and a hard time catching my breath afterwards. I know for a fact I said (several times), "I'm too tired. I can't do it." And Peggy was always right there saying, "Girl, you WILL do it!" Maybe it was about this time, my doctor, who I think was inspired, suddenly looked up at me and asked if I wanted to reach down and touch the head. It turned out to be exactly what I needed to really focus on the finish line and push a few more times with all my might.
Well...the pushing. That is just so much dang work. I tried to use only the necessary "pushing muscles" but I found myself just clenching up my entire body to try to squeeze her out. That was really draining. I couldn’t concentrate on ANYTHING except pushing. My mom tried distracting me from the pain by talking, I think I yelled at her to be quiet, Samuel wanted to hold my hand, I told him to get away and start fanning me (I was starting to be drenched in sweat) and Tara was just doing great reminding me to keep my chin to my chest. They were telling me when they saw the head. I started feeling soooooo tired from the pushing, but since I had total feeling down there, I could feel the progress of her coming down the birth canal, so I knew the pushing was working. More pushing, and a hard time catching my breath afterwards. I know for a fact I said (several times), "I'm too tired. I can't do it." And Peggy was always right there saying, "Girl, you WILL do it!" Maybe it was about this time, my doctor, who I think was inspired, suddenly looked up at me and asked if I wanted to reach down and touch the head. It turned out to be exactly what I needed to really focus on the finish line and push a few more times with all my might.
And then she was out! It was probably the greatest relief I’ve ever felt in my life. I think I said about ten times. SHE'S OUT! SHE'S OUT! I'M DONE! SHE'S OUT!! The nurses were ready to wisk her away—they were worried for some reason, and asked the doctor to hurry and cut the cord. But the doctor calmly (and quickly) laid her on my chest and let Samuel cut the cord (although he did tell him to do it quickly.) I know we both appreciated that.
Annaliese didn’t cry for about two minutes, (My mom was watching and freaking out because she thought she looked stillborn) but for some reason I knew she was fine. And I was still distracted because even though she was out, my bootie was still killing me--it felt like a bomb went off down there.
Then I heard the cry. Then the emotions hit me. That was my baby—there she was, just hours before in a little ball in my belly, now she was officially here. The tears were pouring down my face. My sister was on the phone with my dad and my other sister. I was just flooded with emotion. My mom was crying (and I remember her saying, “You did it! You got your wish!”) and they brought her to me and I fell in love. I love that picture of Samuel showing me the baby, all bundled up, with light coming in and hitting her from the window, and sweat drenching my hair. It just sums it up so well.
Then I heard the cry. Then the emotions hit me. That was my baby—there she was, just hours before in a little ball in my belly, now she was officially here. The tears were pouring down my face. My sister was on the phone with my dad and my other sister. I was just flooded with emotion. My mom was crying (and I remember her saying, “You did it! You got your wish!”) and they brought her to me and I fell in love. I love that picture of Samuel showing me the baby, all bundled up, with light coming in and hitting her from the window, and sweat drenching my hair. It just sums it up so well.
My doctor kept working on me, trimming away the septum and stitching me up. I had a second degree tear, and it was an "unusual" one. It tore sideways instead of up and down, and in two different places and angles. I think it was a bit of a challenge to put back together. Afterward he gave me a high five (another successful VBAC for him too. He's the VBAC doctor champ!) and a hug (for Samuel too) and then it was over. So that's how it all went. It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Samuel has been treating me differently ever since he watched it—it's like he gained a whole new respect for me, and he was so grateful and proud, and he even cried a little as he told me he was so proud of me. I loved that moment too. It felt good to be appreciated, I'm sure you all know what I mean.
I will also be honest and say that while I was pushing and laboring without the epidural, I swore this would be my only vaginal delivery, and that I never wanted to do it this way again. Back to C-sections for me. But that was in the midst of the pain, and now that I am bouncing back and feeling so good, well, there’s just no comparison, and I’m going to take it back. A huge amount of pain for a very short time (maybe two hours?) or a semi-huge amount of pain for two to three weeks afterwards? Kind of a no-brainer.)
I will also be honest and say that while I was pushing and laboring without the epidural, I swore this would be my only vaginal delivery, and that I never wanted to do it this way again. Back to C-sections for me. But that was in the midst of the pain, and now that I am bouncing back and feeling so good, well, there’s just no comparison, and I’m going to take it back. A huge amount of pain for a very short time (maybe two hours?) or a semi-huge amount of pain for two to three weeks afterwards? Kind of a no-brainer.)
Finally, two recent pieces of news:
1. My stitches came out. Not all of them, but because of how it stretches the perineum when you sit down, and the weird angle of the tear...I split open. It's been pretty painful, and so I'm still using the tucks, the numbing spray, and pain pills. They have to do a mini-surgery (in the doctors office) to fix it all up, and they couldn't get me in until Friday. So that's been a tiny bit of a pain, but luckily my mom is here. She has a cancer/doctor's appointment tomorrow that she has to go home for, but she's taking Kalia with her so that I don't have to chase her around.
2. The full name is now officially "Annaliese Sadie Bigler"-- we changed the spelling, and figured out a middle name. We almost named her Sadie as a first name, but Annaliese seemed to fit better. But maybe she'll go by Sadie later, if she wants to.
Well, hope you enjoyed my labor story. I have to say, six days after it happened, the memories of the pain have already begun to fade. It wasn't that bad. I'd do it again. And who knows, maybe next time that epidural will work the whole time, and I'll have the best labor and delivery of all time. It's a good goal. Now, back to the busy life.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Pictures For Now
It was everything I hoped it would be-- and a lot more. I think every muscle in my body is sore, but this recovery is a million times easier than a c-section. HOORAY for everything and everybody and I am so happy. I'll have the whole story for you later.
Here's my awesome doctor and my wonderful nurse. They made such a huge difference, I love them!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Baby Annaliese arrived today at 11:24 am. weighing 7 pounds 15 oz. and 20 inches long. She has a lot of dark hair and looks like Kalia. Heather had a successful v-bac and she did so good, even though the dang epidural wore off. She will explain in detail I'm sure, but we are so happy that baby Annalise is here and doing good!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
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