Would someone tell me what is going on with these eyes of hers? They have definite brown streaks, but now it looks like they're going LIGHTER but only in certain spots? Cuh-razy!
Here's the monthly update on Annaliese, for the Grandmas and for the record:
Weight: 21 lbs
Height: I forgot...I'll fill this in later
She is standing on her own, and has taken 6 or 7 steps. She still prefers crawling and probably will for awhile.
She's putting up with a lot of bullying from Kalia. She'll take it for awhile, but if Kalia holds her and won't let go (7 or 8 times a day) she just starts screaming til I come rescue her. She has a VERY loud yell, one she perfected when she was 2 months old.
She's not really into signing like Kalia was. I've seen her do "more" once or twice, and "milk" but she just looks at me like I'm a weirdo when I do signs with her.
She's at that age where she likes to drop everything on purpose, just to watch it fall. Then she says, "Uh-oh."
She can't have any juice, not even pear or apple, because of the citric acid and ascorbic acid, (it gives her face rashes, cradle cap and makes her cranky) but she LOVES water out of a sippy cup.
I am mixing chamomile tea in with her formula to help her body deal with the allergies and also to help her relax and sleep at night. (I'm a big fan of chamomile myself.)
She says 4 words: Dada, Ni-Ni (ni-night), Uh-oh, and my personal favorite, "Toot" (she says it like the "toot" in "tootsie". I'm still waiting on "mama"
She is a great clapper and gives high fives.
She seems to love music a lot more than Kalia ever did, and I see her bouncing and dancing to music all the time.
She's in the process of cutting all 4 top teeth. She bit me the other day with her razor bottom teeth and almost hit the bone.
She is getting really hard to handle at church. She's almost hyperactive when I try to contain her in the pew. I am confused about this because I thought she was going to be my calm baby.
Still taking 2 naps a day and going to bed at 6 p.m.
Has been nicknamed "Chubbas" by her dad, and so now Kalia calls her that all the time,
Loves to climb up the stairs (but she won't even attempt going down.)
Loves to wave hi to people.
She got called "Thumbelina" by someone at the store the other day. (random!)
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