Annie spent the majority of the month with a terrible teething rash. At first I thought it was allergy related but after eliminating all the culprits, she still had this rash. Kalia never had drool rash, and Annie didn't have it when she cut her bottom teeth, so I learned something new as a Mom... and that is that drool rash/teething rash can look like this, and go all over the face, even up to th eyes (even if drool doesn't actually migrate there.) Craziness.
Two different days:

Poor seems like every month it's a new challeng with her. I love her dearly but she is still a very needy, high-maintenance child.

The ONLY place she is truly happy is right here...Mommy's lap. Cute for pictures, but challenging when I'm trying to get stuff done around the house. She just follows me around and pulls on my pants (sometimes she pulls them right off...drawstring pants, you know.) She freaks out if I leave the room. I can't wait for her to grow out of this stage, because let's face's draining! (I will add though that she is the cutest, happiest, silliest little thing if I just sit down and let her climb all over me. She also is really good if I take her out and about like the grocery store and stuff. So it's really just at home that she is high maintenance.)
She makes up for her whiny beavior by being an amazing sleeper. (I'm sure all the crying and clinging is exhausting!) She sleeps 14 hours at night and two naps during the days (and I put her to bed very early!) At least once a week she takes a four-hour nap in the afternoon, and then still goes sleeps all night. I thank my lucky stars for that Tender Mercy!

Her Daddy calls her "Chubbas." So naturally Kalia has picked it up and it makes me smile to hear her say, "Where's Chubbas?" or "Here you go Chubbas." I love these sweet round cheeks and the double chin. As you can imagine, I am kissing them nonstop.

She will do "Touchdown" on command, which is funny because we don't watch football in our house.

Allergies are STILL causing problems for us. Will I ever figure it all out? I've been letting her try to eat more foods and I thought it was going well (no face rash) but I got too lax...I'd let her snack on Ritz crackers (corn starch) or V8 Fusion juice (Ascorbic Acid/Citric Acid) and then I realized that she was scratching her back and legs and sides, sometimes scratching until she bled. I FEEL TERRIBLE!!! I remember having the impression (back when she was screaming all the time as a newborn) that she was ITCHING and I had that confirmed this week. I just have to be more careful with her. I've been using hydrocortisone cream, gold bond powder, and sometimes Benadryl to try to stop her itching.
She FINALLY added "Mama" to her vocabulary (about time!) She says about 6 or 7 words occasionally. She jabbers nonstop though, and she is VERY EXPRESSIVE. She is always gasping and oohing and ahhing at things. I'm curious to see what this will mean for her personality in the future.
She's in that cute stage of walking where she still holds her arms up to help her balance and wobbles a bit. I never get tired of watching it. No more crawling for this little one.
She will NOT go down the stairs. She will climb up them and then starts crying because she knows she's stuck. I've worked with her at least eight times, showing her how to go down backwards. It ain't happening. She's not a daredevil like her older sis.
I gave her Haircut #3 last month and I've decided to stop trying to tame the Fro. We'll just have to let it grow out!
Can't believe my baby's almost 1...that's not really a baby anymore to me. Boo.
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